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Who Not to Cast as Young Han Solo

With the recent news that Han Solo will have his own spinoff prequel, it’s no surprise that the internet is buzzing with casting suggestions for the space smuggler. Everyone wants to see their favorite star portray this cinematic legend, though without much consideration for the actual role. I’ve read ideas that range from the ridiculous to the impossible. Tweens want Robert Pattinson to claim another franchise for them, and some even want to give Shia “No-More-Blockbusters” LaBeouf another chance.

I’m here to quash those misguided casting calls to give Han the actor he deserves. And for the sake of continuity, I have left out any candidates who are dangerously close to 34, Harrison Ford’s age in Episode IV (sorry, Gosling fans).

Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Though JGL comes up in connection to young Han all over the internet, this strikes me as another case of devoted fans promoting their darling just to see him succeed. The Star Wars saga shows Han go from self-seeking mercenary to selfless warrior. Seeing as how the spinoff will take place before A New Hope, Han will inevitably be at his greediest, lowest point, or at least headed there. If there’s anything that JGL’s fans love about him most, it’s that he’s the nicest dude they’ve ever seen. When his mouth isn’t smiling, his eyes still are. The case should be the opposite with Han, a man who exudes a willingness to abandon you on an asteroid if it benefitted him.

“Let’s talk this out, Greedo. How about double what I owe you, plus the Millennium Falcon. Fair?”

“Let’s talk this out, Greedo. How about double what I owe you, plus the Millennium Falcon. Fair?”

Hemsworth brothers

Thanks to the success of Star Wars, Harrison Ford became a superstar almost overnight, and sexiness has been part of his appeal ever since. But I think few can deny that Ford doesn’t lean on traditional good-looks. It’s all about attitude. So when film gurus gush over Chris and Liam Hemsworth as surefire Han Solos, it feels just short of sacrilege. The Hemsworth brothers have been cornering Hollywood’s heartthrob territory with major roles in Thor and The Hunger Games. They’re handsome and they know it, which means they don’t need personality. If Han knows he’s attractive, he doesn’t seem to care because he’s got plenty of confidence on reserve to keep him happy when Leia rejects him.

"Who's the scruffy-looking Nerf herder now?"

“Who’s the scruffy-looking Nerf herder now?”

Logan Lerman

This rather dark horse contender has impressed audiences with his rapid ascent to big-budget productions like 3:10 to Yuma, Percy Jackson, and next year’s Noah. Though he might become a formidable force at the box office, this power doesn’t really translate to his physicality. Lerman doesn’t look like he can hold his own in a fight, so it’ll be hard for him to capture Han Solo’s weathered ruggedness.

Logan Lerman Han Solo

Taylor Kitsch

I can’t for the life of me figure out why Kitsch keeps getting work, but if he deserves anything, it’s an A for effort. Somehow he’s ridden his own eagerness to the top of casting directors’ lists, from ragin’ cajun Gambit in Wolverine to gravel-voiced gravitas in John Carter. Han Solo, though, is so cool exactly because he doesn’t have to force every line delivery. In fact, he underplays his own cool. Kitsch couldn’t downplay a beat of silence.

"That's right, Chewie. This's personal."

“That’s right, Chewie. This time…it’s personal.”

Chris Pine

If you think about it, the only thing separating Captain Kirk and Han Solo is a legitimate job. But the last thing the galaxy needs right now is all-out war between Trekkies and Jedis.

"May the Force be with you or whatever."

“May the Force be with you or whatever.”

Who Might Pull it Off

You didn’t think I could resist the urge to give my own recommendations, did you? The movie is definitely going to happen, and we don’t have a young River Phoenix around to save us. Here are my reluctant plugs.

Dave Franco

Franco Junior might have to grow out of his shit-eating grin, but he just about nailed Han’s combination of cockiness and haplessness in 21 Jump Street.

Dick-head Han

Dick-head Han

Garrett Hedlund

Tron: Legacy may not be much to go on, but Hedlund’s got that understated quality that mirrors Han’s clandestine occupation of choice. Plus, he plays the roguish Dean Moriarty in On the Road, proving he can ruffle up his good looks.

Mysterious Han

Mysterious Han

Jai Courtney

Something about Courtney in Jack Reacher made me want to punch him in the face. Then I realized that’s exactly the kind of reaction that Han should inspire. And the fact that I had no idea he was Australian, and that on this list he probably most resembles Harrison Ford, shows it won’t be so hard for him to become the character.

Dark horse Han

Dark horse Han

Aaron Taylor-Johnson

This Brit can disappear into any role. Also, I might have a man-crush on him.

Wild card Han

Wild card Han

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